I have shooted the end of the 26 things hunt in Portugal in Lisboa, which is really a nice city. This picture is made in the Belem tower with a view on the famous bridge which looks like the Golden gate bridge. It is supposed to illustrate the HOME (home: a house, town, state, country, what makes your home, home). Strange, isn't it? My idea is that you can feel home abroad, in a forein country with a home newspaper. (The newspaper I read is "Le Monde").
La fin de la chasse aux 26 choses se passe à Lisbonne qui est un endroit plutôt sympa pour passer un grand weekend. Le thème de cette photo est "HOME", même si je suis bien loin de la maison mais mon idée est que l'on peut se sentir à la maison même à l'étranger en lisant un journal bien de chez nous!